Dancing with the Pulpwood Queens

DIGITAL CAMERA I can’t believe that it’s January, let alone 2022. Where did last year go? Hopefully, gone for good and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve had massive rain around Thanksgiving (which brought devastating flooding) and snow...

Time to Celebrate and Other Waaay Behind Posts

What’s in Mrs. Hales Receipts for the Million 1857? 1221. Unfermented bread-This keeps moist longer than bread made with yeast, and is more sweet and digestive. The brown bread made in this way particularly recommended for dyspeptic. Take four pounds of flour,...

Stepping Out

What’s in Mrs. Hale’s Receipt for the Million 1857? Appear in full dress. Always wear gloves. Do not wear rings on the outside of your gloves. Getting Ready for HNS 2017 in Portland I’m just hours away from getting on a train to Portland for the USA...

Crazy, Fun Summer

Crazy Fun Summer What’s in Mrs. Hale’s Receipt for the Million in 1857? 1271. Spruce Beer– For white spruce, pour ten gallons of boiling water upon six pounds of good raw or lumps sugar, and four ounces of essence of spruce; ferment with half a pint...

A Little Book Tour

What’s in Mrs. Hale’s Receipt’s for the Million 1857? 1387. Choice of Reading. – A good book is a safe refuge in idle hours. Hope the new year is going well so far, though I know some parts of the country are slammed with ice and snow or storms....

A Chance for The Jossing Affair

What’s in Mrs. Hale’s Receipts for the Million 1857? 4097. Letter-writing. – Great care and attention should be devoted to epistolary correspondence, as nothing exhibits want of taste and judgment so much as a slovenly letter. Kindle Scout Campaign:The...

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